山根事務所 千代田区の社会保険労務士 労務・雇用問題の解決、就業規則見直し、法改正対応、給与計算、各種助成金の申請
    Certified Labor and Social Insurance Consultant  
  Life / Non-life insurance Agency                            
       山根事務所   Yamane Office                                
トップ/Top インフォメーション/Indormation 事務所概要/About us 業務案内/Services 所在地/Location お問い合わせ/Contact us
 おっ、これだ! <親切丁寧・低料金>                  There it is! < kind & courteous ・ reasonable-fees >


 ・・very helpfull office I have heard before・・
 ◇「事業は人なり」, 「企業は人・物・金 + 労務管理」です
"A company is its people", "People, Services or Products &
 Capital+ Labor Management "  are required to successfull
 Please make the most use of Experienced, capable Labor
 and Social Insurance Consultants.
  Certified Social Insurance & Labor Consultant ・       Life /Non-life insurance Agency ・ Labor / Management    Consultant
Total consultant on Labor ・Company management ・Pension ・
    Life insurance / Non-life insurance

                 < 業務目録 >

(1) 労基・安衛・労災・雇保・健保・厚年の相談・指導・代行

(2) 採用・職制・人事・給与・職能制度・退職金等の相談

(3) 社員研修会・労組問題・育児介護法の相談

4) 自動車・傷害・賠償・火災・地震・生命保険の代理店

(5) 給与計算,  労災・健保・雇保・年金・各種助成金の


(7) 労務案件での立会・代行・支援
       < Contents of Services >

(1) Consulting, Guiding and Acting for clients on Labor standards  
     Act-relations, Industrial Safety & Health, Industrial accident /
     Unemployment insurance, Employee's Health Insurance and      Employee's pension related matters.

(2) Consultations on Employment, Office Organization,
     HR, Ability-based Grade System, Retirement Allowance.

(3) Consultaions on the Workshop for Employee, Union issues, 
     Child care and Family care leave Act.

(4) Agency for Non-life insurance (Car・Accident・Liability・Fire・
   Earthquake) and Life insurance.

(5) Payroll processing, Documentation support for Industrial
     Accident・ Employee's Health insurance・Unemployment
     insurance・ National Pension and Various subsidies.

(6) Publication of  [ Yamane Office News

(7) Attend, Deputize & Support for clients on Labor related

 Car Accident Troubles will be settled brilliantly with reasonable
 use of your car insurance and Industrial Accident insurance /
 Health insurance!!
 PLease be rest assured, as experienced,knowledgeable team
 of Yamane Office will do their best to suppot you. 
 東京都千代田区神田淡路町1-7-14 山根ビル
 Tel:03-3251-7121〜7 Fax:03-3251-7148
 営業時間:月〜金 9:00−17:30     
 Yamane Office            
 Yamane Bldg., 1-7-14 Awaji-cho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
 Tel:03-3251-7121〜7  Fax:03-3251-7148           
 Business Hours:Mon〜Fri 